
Photo Impressions, Scenaries and Side Stages

Pintsch Harbour (Pintschhafen)

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Today, the Pintsch harbour in Fürstenwalde is but a small remainder (and reminder) of the former Pintsch industrial estate with more than 12.000 employees. This photo was taken December 2012. Since then, winters with snow have become pretty scarce. The full-sized image (approx. 12 MB) can be downloaded here.

Christmas Market in Fürstenwalde, Germany

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Fürstenwalde is a small town east of Berlin. Beginning of December, the town sets up two huge decorated Christmas trees and the Christmas market near the cathedral attracts a lot of visitors. It is always worth a photo session. All photos were taken with a Walimex/Rokinon 85 mm lens with an aperture of 1.4. It has no autofocus and has an "analog feel", but for low-light sceneries like these its a pretty decent glas.

One of the Christmas trees Full-Size image (23 MB)

Side View Full-Size image (14 MB)

Next to the cathedral Full-Size image (29 MB)

Market Attractions Full-Size image (29 MB)